Check out this creative recap the Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha did for their Fall 13 line. We at would love to see...
UUUUUMMMMM … Hampton Nupes know how to throw a “Shimmy Like A Kappa” event. There must be something in the water at Hampton … just look...
The AKAs at Savannah State University break it down with a stroll to “FDB” by Young Dro and “Body Party” by Ciara at the homecoming 2013...
The REDS in Texas do not play when it comes to strolling. Watch Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. of Texas State University KILL IT at the Knuck...
These SGRhos at California State University, San Bernardino KILL IT to R.I.P by Jeezy! Just watch!! Do you think they held it down for “Pretty Poodles” everywhere?...
The Iota Nu Chapter at of Alpha Phi Alpha at the University of Alabama at Birmingham knows how to do a yard show. These bothers keep...
Iota Phi Theta wins the San Jose State University Yard Show. Do you think they held it down for Iota Phi Theta? Let us know in...
We at are loving all of the press that we are getting. In just four days of the site’s launch, the site went viral and...
With the help of greeks, students, faculty, staff, and the D.C community, Howard students were able to show the world that HU is definitely happy! Check...
These fellas GO IN! The Phi Beta Sigma step teams “Dem Boyz” and “No Mercy” team up to represent at the #PBS100 Centennial Step Show in New...
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. turned 100 on January 9th and their Founders’ Weekend was jam packed with memorable events. We at have compiled a list...
These ladies love their ZPhiB and you can tell by the precision of their steps. Check out these lovely ladies of Zeta Phi Beta breaking it...
These NUPES from Beta Omicron and the Madison Alumni Chapter of KAPsi put in work with the Kappa Kane! Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. presents: NUPE...
Check out this video of the Chi Chapter Sigmas from Morehouse performing at the UF F.I.S.S. Step Show in 2008. They just show once again that Blu-Phi does...
When it comes to greeting prophytes, the SGRho’s at Clark Atlanta know what they are doing. Watch this video of the Fall 2007 line of Sigma...
The SGRhos at Michigan State University are no joke! Check out this video of the Gamma Omega Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho crossing their newest members!...
In honor of Kappa Alpha Psi’s Founders Day, we at have compiled a list of the top 10 twirling videos submitted by you. We chose...
Congratulations to the charter line of Sigma Gamma Rho’s Sigma Chi chapter! Watch the Sigma Chi chapter’s first probate, the Fall 13 line, which was named...
These Alphas from the University of Alabama at Birmingham do a whole step show clowning Trinidad James and the image he promotes. It may be “All...
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. turned 100 this year and since their centennial year is about to end we at have made a small recap...