Two of Delta Sigma Theta’s Former National Presidents Pass Away The Day Before Their 105th Founders’ Day

The Black fraternity and sorority community is currently mourning the loss of two of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s former National President’s, Frankie Muse Freeman, Esq. and Mona Humphries Bailey. Both women passed away Friday, the day before the sorority’s 105th anniversary.
Two separate statements were issued by the sorority and posted publicly on the sorority’s national website.
The statements which were issued by Delta Sigma Theta’s current National President and CEO, Beverly E. Smith detail that both women transitioned surrounded by loved ones.
Here is the statement they released for Frankie Muse Freeman, Esquire, the American civil rights attorney, first woman to be appointed to the United States Commission on Civil Rights, and the 14th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Here is the statement they released for Mona Humphries, who served as the 17th National President of the sorority from August 1979 to August 1983.
We at Watch The Yard, out of respect for the individual lives of both women and their long lists of achievements have written two individual articles about them. For Frankie Muse Freeman, Esquire’s article click here and for Mona Humphries Bailey’s article, click here.
After hearing of the passing of two of the sorority’s National Presidents on the same day, hundreds of people in the Black fraternity and sorority community took to social media to reach out and express their condolences and honor their lives and service.
Here are a few of their posts:
#31DaysofDelta-Day 13
We honor the legacy of our beloved founders and the stellar example of dedication to service displayed by our departed Past National Presidents- Sorors Frankie Muse Freeman and Mona Humphries Bailey. Show the world what Delta service looks like! #SMLACDST— SM-LAC ΔΣΘ (@smlacdst) January 13, 2018
On our 105th celebration of sisterhood, scholarship & service RAC would like to remember & honor the lives of our 14th National Pres. Frankie Muse Freeman, Esq. & our 17th National Pres. Mona Humphries Bailey whom both transitioned on Jan. 12, 2018. May their legacies continue.
— Raleigh Alumnae DST (@RaleighDST) January 13, 2018
On this Founders Day, we also honor the legacies of our Past National Presidents Frankie Muse Freeman and Mona Humphries Bailey. These women made a lasting impact in our communities. Our thoughts & prayers are with both families as well as all the members of our beloved sorority.
— ΔΣΘ Savannah Alumnae (@DST_SAC) January 13, 2018
Rest in Peace my Beautiful Sorors! Soror Frankie Muse Freeman & Soror Mona Humphries Bailey. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
— My Soul P.O.V. (@mysoulpov) January 13, 2018
As @dstinc1913 celebrates 105 years of service today, Jan. 12, 2018, will forever be a day of mourning as both our 14th and 17th National Presidents, Frankie Muse Freeman and Mona Humpries Bailey, transitioned to Omega Omega Chapter. #J13 #DST1913
— VOYC (@VOYC) January 13, 2018
For January 12th will be remembered as a day of profound sadness for we regret to announce the passing of our 14th National President, Frankie Muse Freeman.
We love and honor you for you will be greatly missed. Thank you for your service. #dst105 #DST1913
— ΔΣΘ Westchester Alum (@DSTWestchester) January 13, 2018
We ask that you keep the families, friends and sorority sisters of both women in your thoughts. We also ask that you leave your condolences and memories of them so that their families can see how much they meant to all of us.
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