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This Video of Steve Harvey Spitting Invictus Will Get Any Black Greek Hyped!

steve Harvey omega psi phi

You already know that we at Watch The Yard love seeing greeks recite information, so when Omega Psi Phi’s Steve Harvey posted a video of him doing a wall sit while spitting “Invictus” we got super excited!

This morning, Steve posted a video doing wall squats with the caption:

“50 lbs wall squats for 60 seconds . Invictus by William Ernest Henley always keeps me fighting but my strength comes from my Heavenly Father.”

“This goes for my brothers out here that went through to put a lamp on they neck, came through that’away” Steve stated, shouting out the brothers of his beloved fraternity Omega Psi Phi.

Although he mixed up a line in the poem and stated the wrong author(he later fixed it in the caption) we still like to see him out here shouting out his brothers of Omega Psi Phi.

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