EE-YIP! These Sorors of Sigma Gamma Rho in San Antonio are Absolutely Stunning

The women of Sigma Gamma Rho in San Antonio know what they are doing!
The ladies of the Tau Mu Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho recently released a photoshoot that is PURE EXCELLENCE.
We loved the photos so much that we reached out to the chapter to speak with its president, Daniele Dixon, to learn more about them.
“’A little sassy. ALWAYS classy. Too cute, Tau Mu’ is compromised of many different personalities and backgrounds. We do not change each other, but we instead encourage growth by helping each woman evolve into the best version of herself…this is what makes us so authentic. We focus on creating genuine relationships, fostering individual growth and working diligently at all that we do. ” Danielle told Watch The Yard in an email.
“We are working dilligently to represent Sigma Gamma Rho with grace and dignity. We have grown from one member to nine in just one year,” she stated.
Since the chapter is growing in numbers, we asked about their sisterhood and what it means to the chapter as a whole.
“The Tau Mu sisterhood is a bond derived from love, almost as strong as one from blood. It is truly bona fide with no room for judgement, rivalry or envy. We joke, pray, laugh and cry with one another as related sisters do. The most valuable component of our relationship is our dedication to each other’s personal accomplishments and successes.”

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