A Brother of Iota Phi Theta Just Won Lincoln University of PA’s Homecoming Step Show All By Himself

We all know that the brothers of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. don’t play when it comes to stepping but that was proved again this last weekend when one lone Iota won Lincoln University of PA’s step show all by himself.
Daniel Tackie, a Spring 2020 initiate of the Epsilon Epsilon Chapter of Iota Phi Theta at Lincoln University of PA entered the step show as the only current Iota on the yard at the HBCU.
“It’s easy to stand with the crowd it takes courage to stand alone. This win prove that 1 Centaur has the strength of a 100 men and we are willing to take on any challenge that comes our way,” Tackie told Watch The Yard.

Watch his performance that was captured by Grand Tour Media below:
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