The Alpha Chapter of Iota Phi Theta has put their money where their mouth is and teamed up with their alumni chapter(Gamma Omicron Omega) to create a $100,000 endowment for Morgan State University in Baltimore, MD.
“I think it is very important to give back to the very school we were founded on,” the President of Alpha Chapter, Matthew Reeds recently told “Currently many HBCUs are dealing with financial cuts and we the Alpha Chapter of Iota Phi Theta want to do our part in helping to continue the legacy of this great institution.”
We at would like to commend these brothers and their alumni chapter on this amazing initiative. Historically Black Colleges and Universities are pillars holding up the foundation of the Black community in this country. Donations like this show that the Iotas are invested in maintaining and improving educational opportunities and pathways for future generations of Black Americans.
The endowment is currently growing and of course is accepting extra donations. If you are interested in contributing to this amazing effort please send an email to
Show these brothers some love in the comment section below! This is truly what Black Greekdom is all about!

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