The Deputy Political Director to Kamala Harris Is A Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha from Howard

With the 2020 election getting closer and closer each day, we at Watch The Yard think it is important to highlight members of our community who are key players in the election.
We recently interviewed Amos Jackson, the Deputy Political Director to Senator Kamala Harris, who is a Spring 2017 initiate of the Beta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha at Howard University. Jackson, who is currently working in a top leadership role to get Joe Biden and Kamala Harris elected, is also in grad school at Harvard’s divinity school.
We talked to him about his role and how being a member of a Black fraternity and an HBCU alum helped shape him into the person he is today.
Read our exclusive interview below:
What does your position of Deputy Political Director to Senator Kamala Harris entail?
I report to the Senator’s Political Director and work closely on maintaining and expanding her political relationships.

What career path led you to your current position?
I started as an intern in Senator Harris’ senate office and joined her presidential campaign as National Political Coordinator.
We are getting close to the election, what does a typical work day look like for you?
Everyday I am focused on how we expand our Get Out The Vote efforts for the Biden-Harris ticket to win in November.

You are a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha. What made you want to join?
I joined Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc because of its mission to provide service and advocacy for our communities. That is my life’s mission to do all I can to help the least of these amongst us.
As you’ve matured in your career and become, looking back, how do you think joining a Black fraternity has prepared you for where you are now?
It has prepared me to always find a way to get the job done to the best of your ability.
What advice do you have for people who want to explore working on a political campaign?
There is no job too big or too small and soak up as much knowledge as you can from the seasoned campaign folks around you.

What is it like working on the campaign team?
It is truly a blessing to work for a fellow Howard graduate and a member of our D9 family – Senator Kamala Harris. And more directly reporting to a HBCU graduate and FAMU alumnus in Vincent Evans. Their stories and paths let me know my degree and experience can take me anywhere.
Why do you think this election is so important?
This election is so important because it will define this country for generations to come. We have a chance to really restore the soul of this country and build a better future for all who call America home.
Watch The Yard would like to thank Amos Jackson for taking time out of his busy campaign schedule to speak to us about his position.
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