Leadership Highlight: Morgan State University’s SGA President Jaden Dawson

In an effort to highlight the people who are leading colleges and universities across the nation, we at Watch The Yard reached out to Morgan State University and did an interview with Jaden Dawson the 2022-2023 Student Government Association president.
The position of SGA president is a highly respected role and there is a special pride that one takes in being elected by their peers to lead. Dawson, who is majoring in biology, is from Stafford, Virginia. She is a proud Spring 2021 initiate of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

We interviewed Jaden Dawson, and talked to her about her position, goals, future and what it means to hold this type of leadership position in 2022-2023.
Read the full interview below.
What is the biggest thing you’ve learned as an SGA president so far?
I’ve learned that there are experiences that I as SGA president am not exposed to as a traditional non first generation college student. Being SGA president has taught me compassion for all students circumstances outside of my own. Every student experience is different, and it is my job to ensure the success of all student experiences here at Morgan State University
What made you decide to attend Morgan State University for undergrad?
I attended Morgan State Unievristy not only for academic opportunities, but also because my sister was a Morgan State University student and had often expressed that it was best decision she ever made, and I’m glad to say I feel the same way.
How has Morgan State University molded you into the person you are today?
Morgan has given me so many opportunities to succeed and to help develop me into the person I am today. I have experienced Morgan State University in 3 different stages: pre pandemic, pandemic, and post pandemic. However, I can say thank you to Morgan every step of the way for ensuring success during every phase of Morgan Culture.
What specific initiatives have you headed up this year (or are planning) and how do you think they will improve the school and surrounding community?
We feel our campus needs is safety. Notably our campus has issues with sexual assault, robberies and most recently gun violence. Our Administration has heard the concerns of students and we will work closely with MSUPD and BCPD to provide increased security and patrol on campus and surrounding areas.The Get Back administration wants to educate the student body on the opportunities and resources that our campus and the surrounding area of Baltimore City has to offer. Additionally we plan on advocating for change to make meal plans and food options on campus more accessible and affordable for on campus students and commuters.
How is your SGA administration/school currently working on attending to the mental health of students?
We plan to continue the implementation of wellness days in the academic calendar as they have shown positive results in student mental health. We also plan to push for updated services in the university health center such as emergency contraception for students.
What does leadership mean to you?
Leadership to me is consistently showing up and giving 1000% commitment every time. Leadership is also the skill of knowing when to lead and also knowing when to take a step back because you as a leader can accept that there is a better person for the job. Leadership is about constant individual sacrifice for the benefit of the collective, despite personal feelings or urges.
We now live in a digital world, what do you think schools need to do to represent themselves online in 2022/2023?
I believe that each HBCU and University should have a PR and Social Media devision in order to properly promote campus resources, events and student organizations in order to help with outreach not just on the university website but on social media.
Why do you think Watch The Yard is important to Black students and college culture?
I think it is an amazing neutral platform that all student (greek or non greek) can follow to get important information about black college students and to get a level of insight into African American greek letter organizations. It allows followers to get information while still having the option to be discretionary, which not all HBCU culture social media pages have.
What do you plan on doing after graduation?
I plan on attending medical school after graduation.
We at Watch The Yard would like to commend Jaden Dawson for her work as the SGA president of Morgan State University.
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