These Spring 2004 Delta Sigma Theta Sorors From Howard Shot A Stunning DELTAversary Video In The Mountains of Arizona

The Spring 2004 sorors of Delta Sigma Theta’s Alpha Chapter just released a video to celebrate their line’s 15th anniversary that is the best thing that we at Watch The Yard have seen all month.
To celebrate their 15th DELTAversary, the Spring 2004 line of Deltas from Howard University traveled to the mountains of Arizona for a reunion getaway and sisterhood retreat. While they were there they shot an absolutely stunning video with videographer Dorrell Edwards of Always Timeless Productions to the song “Brown Skinned Girls” by Beyonce, Wizkid and SAINt JHN that everyone needs to see.
“We did this video because we’ve always been an expressive and creative group, and we wanted to channel that in how we remember this 15th anniversary,” one of the sorors told Watch The Yard in an email. “Also, we lost our linesister #43 Jaizelle Leshani Rome in 2015, and so we realize now more than ever how important it is to reunite and capture our memories.”
“The video idea was inspired by the mountains of Arizona, where we held our line reunion getaway. Like those mountains, we’re standing strong together through whatever life sends our way. We dressed up in a way that shows our unique individuality, but at the end of the day it’s our unity that makes us beautiful, powerful ‘Brown Skinned Girls.'”
Watch the full video below:
Sisterhood is a powerful concept to these women and something that they have cherished over the last 15 years.
“For us, sisterhood means growing together,” they told Watch The Yard. “Over the last 15 years we’ve celebrated, cried, prayed and prayed some more as a unit. We’ve been through relationships, careers, babies, illnesses, tragedies and wins. And even though today we are completely different people from who we were back in 2004 at Howard, we choose to keep showing up for each other, especially when times are rough. It’s a beautiful blessing, and we’re forever grateful for the gift of Delta given to us by Alpha Chapter.”
The Soros sent photos from back when they crossed:
This is what they look like in 2019:
Share this on Facebook if you think these Deltas deserve to go VIRAL!

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